Wednesday, April 8, 2015

South Carolina officer dismissed after shooting man in back

I have to say that this is a truly horrible thing that has happened and from the article that I had read on Reuters the victim was running away from the officer when he was shot in the back several times. I want to make it clear that I do think from what I have read that this was clearly excessive force, a gun was never needed at any point in time and the tazer really could be considered a little much when he could have simply used a physical take down on a man that is in his 50's and the officer is in his early 30's.

This is what really gets me, any time there is an officer involved shooting, whether it is right or wrong, the first thing that is noticed is the color of their skin. Seriously, the question that I have is why is it every single time a white officer shoots a black man, it is automatically considered to be racially provoked? Do you really think that every single white police officer has an itchy trigger finger when it comes to "black" people? Is every white officer a racist? I just don't understand why everything ultimately results to racism when it comes to white people, hasn't the thought ever crossed anyone's mind that maybe....just maybe we are not all racist? 

Don't get me wrong, I know that there are still some police officers out there that are stupid enough to let racism cloud their judgement and drive their actions, but not all of them are like that, why can't we look at it as there is another guy that never should have been hired because of his lack of situational judgement? Why can't we look at the department for why they would hire someone that would do something like that? Instead of looking at things like that, the "black" community is enraged with anger and sees no further than the color of the skin. To me this in itself is just wrong. I am not saying that police killing anyone, especially how this went down, is a good thing or even the right thing, but when was the last time you heard "breaking news" that a black officer killed an unarmed white man? Yea not that often, when it does happen there may be a story here and there but it sure as hell won't make front page news or headlines like this one.

Black Officer Shoots White Man, No Media Outrage

Personally I could care less what the color of your skin is, it makes no difference to me. What I see is your attitude, personality, and your actions. I could see if the officer had prior negative experiences with black individuals and this has shown a history for him then yea it would be racial and for all I know this officer could have a bad history involving racism, but why does it always default to racism? Will racism ever be a thing of the past? Can't we just put that behind us and not see what was in the past and instead look at what we have now and in the future? Honestly, I know the answer is no and that racism is such a strongly rooted emotion for just about every ethnic background, not saying that every individual feels this way, but you know what I mean. I wish people could leave the racism out and look at facts, but I know that won't happen.

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