Sunday, April 12, 2015

Attorneys Warn U.S. Supreme Court: ‘Gay Marriage Could Bring God’s Judgment on the Nation’

Attorneys Warn U.S. Supreme Court: ‘Gay Marriage Could Bring God’s Judgment on the Nation’

Oh boy, here we go with one of the hottest debatable topics that you can find at the moment! Should gay individuals be allowed to get married and have it recognized by the court systems? Obviously if you were to ask a Christian they would tell you that same sex relations are not accepted, but if you were to ask someone that has no affiliation to religion they could possibly give you a different answer.

Something to make you think a little here, Christians believe that if you are "gay" you can't be married correct? Our judicial system (in some remaining states) carries that same belief that "gays" can't get married right? Would you say that those judicial systems are holding up religious principles? Is our government imposing their beliefs on our lifestyles and should they be allowed to?

Recently I blogged about our country and religion and had someone argue some very good points with me that really made me think. I flat out said that I am a Christian and he flat out said that he carried no religion at all. I thought that having "In God We Trust" on our money and in our courtrooms was not harmful at all and he stated that was the government imposing religion onto him where it shouldn't even be present. This reader really made me think about that, while I am Christian and I do believe in God, I would have to agree with him in that our government should be impartial regarding the topic, it really shouldn't be in our government buildings.

This brings me to another point, if our judicial systems are supposed to be impartial to religion then what do they care if "gays" get married or not? Don't you think that to them the bottom line would be money? Don't you think that if you let gay individuals get married they would have to pay for that license just like anyone else and in the end the government profits? Wouldn't a gay couple have to pay insurance just like a straight couple? I don't honestly see why the government would care so much about same sex marriage if ultimately they make the profit on it and there is no other harm coming from it.

Did you know that many states already allow same sex marriages? I sure didn't until I started writing this blog, but I also didn't care that they did and still don't! Why do people hate the gay community so much? Aside from their obvious sexual preference, these people are no different than anyone else is and if you chose to hate them for it than you are no better than a racist. They pay their bills like everyone else, pay taxes, purchase homes and take out their trash the same right? In Florida they are a great source of income as they hold fundraising events, gay pride events that draw in money and many other things. 

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