Saturday, April 18, 2015

The Butterfly Child - Do You Feel Sorry For Him?

Honestly I don't feel sorry for this young man, I do feel bad that he has been given such a horrible disease to deal with, but I don't feel sorry for him because of his outlook about it. I chose not to feel sorry for him because he has taken his bad situation and is trying to make something good out of it, this should cause us not to feel bad but to find him an example and inspiration.

Most adults that experience half of the pain and discomfort that this boy has to deal with every minute of every day would crumble (including myself). We should all look up to him. look at how he is taking his situation and turning it into something positive, trying to help others that are in the same situation as he is. Be honest with yourself, at his young age could you have taken that situation and spun it in the direction that he has? Could you keep going strong like he does every day? I couldn't.

It is absolutely horrible that we have not found a cure for this as of yet, but I have done some looking around and it seems as if we are heading in the direction of finding one! I found an article on "Today" that spoke of a little girl that had a bone marrow treatment and her condition drastically improved. No this isn't a cure but it is hope that we are heading that way right?

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